The Official Dreamstate SoCal Afterparty is upon us!
Your Trance Destination continues aboard The Queen Mary from 12:00 AM through 6:00 AM each night of the festival. Join us as we dance into the sunrise on The Queen Mary with a massive encore lineup!
Note: Afterparty access is for festival attendees only and you must have a Dreamstate wristband to enter.
NOTE: Totems WILL NOT be allowed aboard the Queen Mary for the Afterparty. If your totem is collapsable, please store it in a locker (only for those who have purchased 2-day locker rentals) before heading to the After Party.
Otherwise, we recommend you do not bring a totem with you to the festival for seamless entry to the Afterparty! If you are attending the Afterparty on Saturday night, we highly recommend not bringing a totem to the festival as you will not be able to access your locker on Sunday morning.
Accessibility: Please note that due to the Queen Mary being a historical landmark, some parts of the ship may not be accessible. This may cause interruptions in experiencing the after party in its entirety. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.